We take the privacy of our users very seriously and Jokes Unlimited DOES NOT collect
any personal information of the users.
The following permissions are needed for Jokes Unlimited to run -
each one:
1. "Change your audio settings" – To mute/un mute the cute sounds in the app.
2. "Find accounts on the device" - To check if user can send a feedback email using the app.
3. "Full Network access" - To check if the mobile has access to the internet and serve content accordingly to the user.
4. "Modify or delete the contents of USB storage" - This is merely to enable users keep some jokes stored in their favourites.
5. "Read phone state" - To check if the phone is in silent mode or not.
If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy, please send an email to s.vignesh07@gmail.com
Best regards,
Vignesh S
Last updated: 2nd July, 2017